What Really Happens To Your Body After Having A Baby?

Love, Just Jass
3 min readMar 19, 2022

Because it can’t be the same as before right.

I mean after all, for the past 9 months, your body has shifted to make room for the life being created there.

That is almost a year of your body changing to accommodate a little baby.

For your entire pregnancy, your body is pretty much not your own.

It becomes the residence for your baby to grow and thrive in.

So of course, it probably wont look exactly like how it looked before you were pregnant.

Your body goes through a lot of changes bringing a baby into this world.

From your belly growing and stretching which can leave stretch marks and even a little pouch behind.

To your breasts getting larger which can also leave you with stretch marks.

Some women even experience swelling and varicose veins in their legs and feet due to the weight of carrying the baby.

Carrying a baby is often compared to carrying a bowling ball or watermelon with you at all times.

And to be honest, it does feel like a lot like that.

Simple tasks such as tying your shoe or picking something up on the ground are much harder to do when you are pregnant.

I know when I was pregnant with my first child, my body changed.

It was a lot, but it was enough for me to notice that I looked different.

I had some stretch marks around my stomach and a few varicose veins that appeared around the back of my legs.

After going my whole life without stretch marks around my stomach and varicose veins, here they were once I had gotten pregnant.

Did I feel some kind of way about it?


I don’t think anyone would welcome stretch marks and varicose veins willingly, so of course it bothered me.

I couldn’t help but feel a way about it.

As beautiful as my daughter was in my arms back then, I couldn’t but feel not as beautiful.

I knew that this is what it took for her to get here.

But I still couldn’t help the negative feelings that would creep up when I looked in the mirror.

I knew that it was me that I saw but I just looked a little different.

If there were ever any moments that I would look at my body and not like what I saw, I would look at my smiling baby who I couldn't help but smile back at.

It’s hard to resist a smiling baby.

She makes this new body worth it because this body brought her here.

She is my reminder to love my body.

If you are struggling with loving your body after having a baby, I wrote a blog post that can help with that.

I offer some tips and what I did to embrace my body after having a baby.

I also go into more detail about my body that you can check out through the link below.

I will catch you all next time!

Read More: Loving My Body After Having A Baby


Just Jass

Something else that happens to your body after having are your core muscles and organs moved around within your body.

After giving birth, your organs do shift back



Love, Just Jass

Here to make you “just” feel good through my experiences with mom-life, positive mental health habits, and self-development tips.