What Happens When You Bottle Up Your Emotions For Too Long?

Love, Just Jass
3 min readOct 30, 2021


Because it can’t be good.

Photo by Dom Aguiar on Unsplash

For all of my people who like to bottle up your feelings, you are not alone.

I , too, am one of those people who holds in everything until I’m on the brink of exploding.

And that is exactly how I would describe how I feel when I’m bottling up the way I’m feeling.

It is as if it I tell myself I’m better off keeping it in then letting it out.

Now you may wondering why would anyone choose to do this?

What is their reason for doing so?

Well, I will go first since I have already admitted to doing it.

I bottle up my emotions because I don’t want to burden others with what I may be feeling.

Nobody wants to be a “Debbie Downer.”

And that is what I feel like I would be doing if I expressed my feeling to my friends and family.

Because emotions are a lot to handle.

But most of us already know that because by bottling up your emotions, we refuse to confront those emotions.

All the pain.

The guilt.

Or even the grief.

We stuff it down because who wants to feel those emotions?

So we avoid it for as long as we can.

But the problem that many of us fail to realize is that we are emotional creatures by nature.

We are meant to feel different emotions, so by us suppressing them, we are doing more harm than good.

There is a reason that you will see people who get so upset that they start crying.

Why is that?

Because even though they are expressing anger on the outside, they are hurting on the inside.

That is what bottling up your emotions can look like sometimes.

As I was saying earlier, we are meant to feel different emotions, so when we choose to not express them in some shape or fashion, they can actually cause us harm.

And I’m not talking just mentally either.

Our bodies are physically affected when we suppress our emotions.

I’m talking headaches, migraines, upset stomach, and even weight fluctuations.

Stress and anxiety can do a number on the body so you will see people suffer physically while trying to contain their feelings.

So to answer the question of what happens when you bottled up your emotions for too long?

A lot.

Mentally, you are anxious, stressed, and possibly lonely.

Physically, you feel it in your head and in your gut.

Does that sound worth it to you?

There are healthy ways to release your emotions that bring you that sense of tranquility that we are looking for.

I wrote an entire post on some healthy ways to release your bottled up emotions that you can find through the link below.

I also dive more into how bottled emotions affect you and your well being.

I will catch you all next time!

Read More: Healthy Ways To Release Your Bottled Up Emotions


Just Jass



Love, Just Jass

Here to make you “just” feel good through my experiences with mom-life, positive mental health habits, and self-development tips.