How Can I Care For A Sick Loved One When I Don’t Live Near Them?

Love, Just Jass
3 min readMar 26, 2022


Because there has got to be something that I can do right.

As we move into Year 3 of the pandemic, I started reflecting on what life looked just 2 years ago.

When everything was shut down.

We had to wear mandatory masks.

And if we were to go to a doctor’s office or hospital, we had to go alone.

Towards the end of 2020, I found out that I was pregnant with my second baby girl and had to go to all of my doctor appointments alone.

My husband wasn’t even allowed to come to any of my doctors appointments.

Even when it came time for me to give birth during the summer of 2021, he was the only person allowed in the labor and delivery room with me.

This was a much different experience than when my first daughter was born in which I could have visitors righter after and my mom was also allowed in the room during the birth.

One of the things that I was the most upset about during this birth experience was the fact my older daughter had to wait to meet her sister when we came home from the hospital because she wasn’t allowed to come inside.

There is nothing that I can do about that now, but it still something that I think about from time to time.

But giving birth during a pandemic isn’t the only thing I think about from time to time.

Another event that took place 2 years ago was the passing of my aunt who had COVID.

The moment that we all found out that she was sick and not just a little sick, but really sick, we grew weary.

She had to be hospitalized due to COVID and unfortunately her health was failing her.

It was so hard dealing with this in our family because like I said above, if you are hospitalized or taken to a doctor’s office, you had to go alone.

That person may get one support person but that was it.

And since she had COVID, precautionary measures were put into place so she couldn’t have any visitors.

Her own family couldn't come see her.

The only way that we were able to see my aunt was after she passed away.

At her funeral.

No one was allowed to see her in her final moments which was devastating to our family.

I know none of my family envisioned not getting the chance to say goodbye in situations like this one so to be faced with was tough on my family.

Even while was she hospitalized, we did the best we could do by trying to make phone calls or call someone who had spoken directly to her so we could stay updated on her health.

There is only so much you can do when you are not near a sick loved one.

But we all wanted her to know how much we loved her and was thinking of her so we sent flowers, gifts, and anything that we knew she would appreciate.

Anything counts in situation like this.

It is tough trying cope with a sick loved one, so I wrote a blog post for anyone is looking for some tips that will them get through it.

I also dive into a few more tips on coping with a sick loved one from a distance that you can check out through the link below.

I will catch you all next time!

Read More: How To Cope With A Sick Family Member


Just Jass



Love, Just Jass
Love, Just Jass

Written by Love, Just Jass

Here to make you “just” feel good through my experiences with mom-life, positive mental health habits, and self-development tips.

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