Do I Really Have To Wake Up My Baby To Feed?
Because who wants to wake up a sleeping baby?
At least that is what the old folks say.
If I were to ask my grandmother about whether or not I should wake a sleeping baby, she would look at me like I have lost my mind.
Most people look forward to those times when the baby is sleeping because it gives them back some of their time.
I know I finally get some me time when the baby is sleeping.
So why would I want to interrupt my me-time to wake a sleeping baby to eat?
Well the number one reason is because they need to eat.
During the day, our babies should be eating every 2–3 hours.
If you let your baby sleep all day, then guess what?
You will be feeding your baby every 2–3 hours at night since they didn’t get enough during the day.
And I know that you are not trying to be up all night feeding your baby.
Most babies, especially breastfeed ones, naturally wake up at night to eat anyway.
But the key to getting your baby to sleep through the night is to make sure they are getting enough during the day.
So yea you may have to wake up your baby to feed.
A rule of thumb that I like to go by is to not let my baby nap longer than 2 hours.
Sometimes, I may let her sleep for 2 and a half hours, but that is usually the max.
By following this pattern, not only is my baby getting rest, but she is also feeding every 2–3 hours as well.
Once you get into this cycle, you may notice that your baby is naturally waking up after 2 hours because they have become accustomed to the routine.
So obviously you want to feed your baby every 2–3 hours during the day to make sure they are getting enough, but do you have to continue this pattern at night?
The answer is yes and no.
It is yes when you have a newborn who has not returned to their birth weight.
It is no once they have returned to their birth weight.
But that does not mean that your baby will automatically start sleeping through the night once they are back at their birth weight and you need to wake them at night.
Babies are still trying to figure out their days from nights, so you will have to deal with a baby waking throughout the night.
The nights may feel long now, but it doesn’t last forever.
Just take it one day at a time, make sure your baby is getting enough during the day by waking them if needed.
If you are needing some tips on breastfeeding your baby at night, then be sure to check out that post below.
I discuss all the things I do to get through the night while breastfeeding my little one.
I will catch you all next time!
Read More: How To Survive Breastfeeding A Newborn At Night
Just Jass